Posts Tagged “howto”
2019-08-08 Lightweight Technical Designs
Major software development projects merit Technical Design Reviews. Following the same process for all above-average-in-scope projects sounds good in theory but the overhead can be intimidating. “RFCs” offer a lightweight alternative.
2019-01-26 Concurrent CSV exports with Ruby IO pipes
To borrow from Zawinski’s Law: Every web application expands to export CSV data (others will be replaced by ones which do).
2016-05-09 Migrating a qmail-ldap mail server (1)
I'm about to move my qmail-ldap mail service to another host. This article deals with one prerequisite: adding a secondary MX server. Even if you don't use qmail-ldap, you may find this howto helpful for setting up a backup mail toaster. May contain traces of FreeBSD.
2015-11-23 Creating an Adhoc File-Backed ZFS-Volume
Temporarily in need of a few hundred gigabytes on a FreeBSD system, I stitched together free disk space on different hard disks via ZFS. The plot twist: I used ZFS on top of two existing filesystems. Also, I think I'm in love with ZFS now.
2015-04-19 Freifunk Berlin (kathleen v0.1.x) mit WLAN WAN-Uplink
Ein Erfahrungsbericht meiner Installation eines Freifunkrouters für, bei dem der WAN-Uplink in Ermangelung einer Ethernetverbindung über einen zusätzlich per USB angestöpselten WLAN-Adapter erfolgt.
2014-03-13 Debian Wheezy on an iMac
Despising OS X on Apple hardware is a sacrileg to some. For me, having a FOSS operating system on my desktop machine is an important first step to go Apple-less at some point. This article is both a documentation of my experiences and a Howto.