elixir encoding

Elixir/Erlang gets some bad rep when it comes to String handling and the encoding of character data. Also, detecting/guessing the content encoding just based on heuristics is a reasonably hard problem to solve.

A recent Elixir/Phoenix project involved getting a remote HTML page with HTTPoison, modifying parts of it and returning the changed HTML document. It works perfectly fine when the source document is in UTF-8 unicode, but not so much when the source is ISO-8859-X (Latin1 and its siblings). This two-parter illustrates two mechanisms to get hints about the source document’s encoding.

Let’s assume that the HTML document contains a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> element in its document headers.

I’ll cover two cases: first, if the Content-Type header response from the remote webserver is missing (is that even allowed?) or not corresponding to the actual encoding of the response body. And secondly, when the header and the encoding match. Here goes the first part:

Part 1: The proper http-equiv meta element

Guess the content type with this one weird trick

Let’s employ Floki to get the header element from within the HTML document:

defmodule Latin1Convert do

  @doc """
  Retrieves the content type indication from `html`.

  iex>"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"></head></html>" |> Latin1Convert.meta_http_equiv_encoding
  "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"

  @spec meta_http_equiv_encoding(String.t) :: String.t
  def meta_http_equiv_encoding(html) do
    |> Floki.attribute("head > meta[http-equiv=content-type]", "content")
    |> List.first
    |> to_string

It’s easier on my brain to map this to atoms:

defmodule Latin1Convert do

  @doc """
  Looks for a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"> node in the input
  string's HTML header and returns an atom representing the encoding.
  @spec content_type_from_header(String.t) :: atom | nil
  def content_type_from_header(html) do
    encoding = meta_http_equiv_encoding(html)

    cond do
      Regex.match?(~r(iso-8859)i, encoding) ->
      Regex.match?(~r(utf-8)i, encoding) ->
      true ->

  def meta_http_equiv_encoding(html) do
    # See above

Convert and purge (now) erroneous markup

The last step would be to convert the HTML input to UTF-8 using the underlying Erlang library. However, we don’t want the HTML to identify as Latin1 anymore, so we have to remove the meta http-equiv tag:

defmodule Latin1Convert do

  @doc """
  Convert an input HTML string to UTF-8 unicode.
  @spec call(String.t) :: String.t
  def call(html) do
    content_type = content_type_from_header(html)
    cond do
      content_type == :latin1 ->
        |> :unicode.characters_to_binary(:latin1)
        |> remove_meta_http_equiv_encoding
      true ->

  # Caveat: not really case-sensitive check for the DOM node.
  # Floki doesn't seem to understand `$=foo i` queries. We can't
  # `String.downcase` here as that will mess up the filter chain.
  defp remove_meta_http_equiv_encoding(html) do
    Floki.filter_out(html, "head > meta[http-equiv*=ontent-]")
    |> Floki.raw_html

  def content_type_from_header(html) do
    # see above

  def meta_http_equiv_encoding(html) do
    # See above

The next part will cover how to take a matching Content-Type HTTP header to short-circuit the guesswork. Check out the file so far:

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